Tuesday, March 29, 2011

GPars Concurrent/Parallel

@Grab(group='org.codehaus.gpars', module='gpars', version='0.11') //not needed in Groovy 1.8.x
import java.util.concurrent.Future
import groovyx.gpars.*
import groovyx.gpars.actor.*
import groovyx.gpars.agent.*

List images = ['0001.jpg','2.jpeg','3.png']
GParsPool.withPool {
    def selfPortraits = images.findAllParallel{it.contains('j')}.collectParallel{it.toUpperCase()}
    assert selfPortraits.join(', ') == '0001.JPG, 2.JPEG'
    println selfPortraits.join(', ')

    //a map-reduce functional style
    def smallestSelfPortrait = images.parallel
    assert smallestSelfPortrait == '2.JPEG'
    println smallestSelfPortrait

println '*' * 20

GParsPool.withPool {
    Closure longLastingCalculation =  { BigInteger a = 1; 2000001.times {i-> a += i }; a }
    //create a new closure, which starts the original closure on a thread pool
    Closure fastCalculation = longLastingCalculation.async()
    //returns almost immediately
    Future result = fastCalculation()
    //do stuff while long calculation performs …
    10.times { print it + '.. '}
    println '\nBLOCKED!'
    //finally ask for the result, blocking if not yet available
    println 'Long result: ' + result.get()
    println 'FINALLY DONE!'

println '*' * 20

class GameMaster extends DefaultActor {
    int secretNum
    int upto = 20

    void afterStart() {
        secretNum = new Random().nextInt(upto)

    void act() {
        loop {
            react { int num ->
                if (num > secretNum)
                    reply 'too large'
                else if (num < secretNum)
                    reply 'too small'
                else {
                    reply 'you win'

class Player extends DefaultActor {
    String name
    Actor server
    int myNum
    int upto = 20
    int guessCounter = 0

    void act() {
        loop {
            myNum = new Random().nextInt(upto)
            server.send myNum
            react { String msg ->
                switch (msg) {
                    case 'too large':
                        println "$name: (guess #${guessCounter}) $myNum was too large"
                    case 'too small':
                        println "$name: (guess #${guessCounter}) $myNum was too small"
                    case 'you win':
                        println "$name: (guess #${guessCounter}) I won: $myNum"

def master = new GameMaster().start()
def player = new Player(name: 'Player', server: master).start()
[master, player]*.join()
println 'GAME OVER!'

println '*' * 20

 * Conference stores number of registrations and allows parties to register and unregister.
 * It inherits from the Agent class and adds the register() and unregister() private methods,
 * which callers may use it the commands they submit to the Conference.
class Conference extends Agent {
    def Conference() { super(0) }
    private def registered() { return data }
    private def register(long num) { data += num }
    private def unregister(long num) { data -= num }
final Agent conference = new Conference()  //new Conference created
 * Three external parties will try to register/unregister concurrently
final Thread t1 = Thread.start {
    conference << {register(10L)}               //send a command to register 10 attendees
final Thread t4 = Thread.start {
    conference << {register(5L); println "!"+registered()}    //send a command to view registered number
final Thread t2 = Thread.start {
    conference << {register(5L)}                //send a command to register 5 attendees
final Thread t3 = Thread.start {
    conference << {unregister(13L)}              //send a command to unregister 3 attendees

[t1, t2, t3, t4]*.join()

assert 7L == conference.val
println conference.val

println '*' * 20

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